07879 432421 or 01564 772313 admin@arenageo.co.uk

Stoneyford Rd,

Geotechnical consultancy, rock slope stability assessment, infiltration testing, remediation strategy


Housing Association

Project Type

47No. new homes

About The Project

This site was a former dolostone quarry, surrounded on all sides by ~3m high former quarry walls. Arena Geo undertook several slope condition surveys and a slope stability assessment.

We were able to demonstrate that the favourable rock structure did not require any retention measures and did not present a risk to future residents following minor localised treatments.

Given the setting, the drainage strategy required SuDS for the project to be viable.


Arena Geo undertook the infiltration testing and demonstrated that stormwater flows could be managed by SuDS.

The quarry had been used for placement of surplus soil from surrounding areas. We undertook a rotary borehole investigation and advised on the foundation solutions which were a mixture of traditional and vibro-stone columns. 

We were also appointed to design the remediation strategy for the site.

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Company Info

Arena GEO

Company Registration No. 11530269

VAT Registration No. 420 6511 38

Contact Us

Tel: 01564 772313
Mob: 07879 432421

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